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THE INTELLIGENT LIFE — A Constant Mess Moving In Perfect Order

Updated: 11 hours ago

As messy, intricate or sophisticated existence may appear to the human eye, it must be recognised that the real focus of the life process has never been about the complexity of the journey that life itself goes through at each stage of its evolution, but rather the bigger picture that it is painting along the way. The bigger picture has always been the focus of all motions of life across time and space — it relates to that which is seen as the greater good, the original intention and underlying order (beauty) residing within each and every aspect of creation.

In all chaos and disorder, there is a secret order”

— Carl Jung.

Jung believed that things that often appear chaotic to our eyes have at their core an inner structure that, once properly understood, we realise that the ostensible chaos is nothing but our mind’s inability to see the bigger picture. There is, in fact, a greater order (beauty) that's always hidden behind the apparent mess that so often catches our attention.

In the infinite continuum of life, it is said that every aspect of existence work in constant unity (sync) to serve one original idea and universal order, which Carl Jung formerly described as the 'Unus Mundus' — a secret realm of unity and absolute knowledge which is known to be the source from which life is brought forth in all shapes and complexities. Throughout history, many schools of thought have also referred to it as 'The Logos' (the generative principle of the Universe), or the 'Tao' in ancient Chinese philosophy. I personally came to understand this principle to be an expression of what we commonly call L-O-V-E — the force that transcends all differences and merges all complexities into one common singularity. It is this divine love which is, in fact, responsible for the innate relativity (interdependence) that is found across creation.

In the absence of our ideas about it, reality is indeed perfect!

Based on the idea of the Logos, one could argue that every aspect of reality contains an element of perfection (order and beauty) within it by simple virtue of the sacred principle which caused said reality to exist in the first place. In that sense, what looks imperfection (chaos) to our eyes is only an illusion deriving from a mind that is judging from the limit of its own perception. As it was stated by Harlow Shapley in the book 'Of Stars and Men', "Chaos is but unperceived order; it is a word indicating the limitations of the human mind and the paucity of observational facts ­– the words ‘chaos’, ‘accidental’, ‘chance’, ‘unpredictable’ are conveniences behind which we hide our ignorance.”

Have you ever had the epiphany that the world makes perfect sense but your mind doesn't always make good sense of it?

Often when we go through situations in life that we don't seem to understand, it can appear as though reality is not making much sense to our mind because we are just incapable of comprehending what life is trying to accomplish or where it intends to take us. It is only after we've become free of said situation that most of us can look back and recognise the beauty and perfection that was hidden in an experience we once thought irrelevant or rather unnecessary. I find that the human challenge so often lies in our inability to recognise the perfection that resides in the experiences we go through as it is happening in the ‘now’ present moment.

Tuning to life's perfection in the present moment

There is an intelligence at play that's constantly orchestrating events, people and situations around us, even though we are not always consciously aware of it. Most of us are only able to recognise the workings of this universal intelligence as we reflect on situations that have passed (through introspection) because it is a lot easier for the mind to have clarity on what's real or true when all relevant facts have already been gathered, and when the event is no longer clouding our ability to make clear judgments.

To stay in tune with the bigger picture that life is continuously painting in the present moment, we should learn to detach from all personal judgments and stories that we may have held in our mind about the nature of our circumstances and instead look to our inner-being's (the heart intelligence) understanding on the matter. I have found that it is only by paying close attention to our own inner guidance that we can perceive the synchronicity of events and the underlying order in which they had to occur for us to be exactly where we are in this very moment. Personally, I have learned to build the habit of spending some time in my daily routine to simply tune in to my energy and get a sense of what the intelligence is currently doing in my life, and align with what it is essentially looking to accomplish through me.

The bigger picture resides in the intentions of the ‘formless’— the feminine intelligence

The bigger picture always resides in the original intention of the formless element which preceded the creation of the form, as it is from the formless (the unseen) that all form of creation (matter) derives. And so, to understand the real purpose or the bigger picture behind everything we observe, we must always pay attention to the truth (the original intention) of the formless element which caused the form to even exist in the first place. This is where the intelligence of the feminine resides. The feminine energy is the universal energy of creation. This intelligence perceives life in its wholeness, and so she naturally focuses on the greater good of the collective over the individual. The feminine is only interested in the greater meaning (idea) behind every aspect of creation. She pays attention to what life is doing in the big scheme of things (the bigger picture), rather than dwelling on the details or complexities of individual events and occurrences.

Referring to the truth of the formless is really about being on the lookout for the hidden meanings behind everything we observe and, most importantly, paying close attention to the underlying intention that resides in the objects and subjects of our attention. Having the ability to see the bigger picture, the principle underneath everything we experience, is the basis of intelligence, it is where clarity is found, and it is the very source of wisdom.

"I must no longer look at a tree, but I must see a living entity like me in that tree!

I must no longer look at a stone, but I must see the future lying dormant in that stone!"

— Credo Mutwa


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